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Annex I

Effective from Apr 30 2012 - Apr 29 2012
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Information template to be completed by banks filing a complaint

1. Date the complaint is filed2. Date(s) of the events that are the object of complaint
3. Identity of complaining bank (Firm 1)4. Identity of firm that is object of the complaint (Firm 2)
5. Home jurisdiction of Firms 1 and 26. Jurisdiction where the complaint has arisen
7. Description of the complaint, including the specific P&S involved and the reason why the specific compensation practice is inconsistent with the P&S.8. Nature and magnitude of the competitive disadvantage caused by the inconsistent application of the P&S
9. Information about the employee(s) at Firm 1 (rank, title, function, whether designated as Material Risk Taker)10. If relevant, information on the employee(s) at Firm 2 (rank, title, function, whether designated as Material Risk Taker)
11. Information on relevant elements of the pay practices or package at Firm 1, including for example:
12. Information on relevant elements of the pay practices or package at Firm 2 (on a best effort basis), including for example:

• Actual payouts and bonus

• Relationship between fixed and variable remuneration

• Deferral arrangements

• Clawbacks

• Guarantees


• Actual payouts and bonus

• Relationship between fixed and variable remuneration

• Deferral arrangements

• Clawbacks

• Guarantees

If relevant elements of the pay package are not available, please provide other evidence that supports the complaint.

13. Other information (applicable in the case of an employee move), for example:

• Whether the firm can confirm that the difference in pay package is the most important / an important reason for an employee move.

• Whether the employee received a higher base salary, a higher expected bonus or a promotion in title by moving to the new firm.