Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Joint Forum Document Regarding Longevity Risk Transfer Markets: Market Structure, Growth Drivers and Impediments, and Potential Risks
No: 351000053974 | Date(g): 26/2/2014 | Date(h): 26/4/1435 |
Effective from 2014-02-26 - Feb 25 2014
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The aim of this Joint Forum report is to give a first and preliminary analysis of the size and structure of the LRT markets, and the factors affecting their growth and development. It will also seek to raise awareness of the associated potential risks and cross sectoral issues for market participants, policymakers and supervisors. | |
Banks are expected to refer to this BCBS document as a guidance in managing their own banking employee pension funds. | |
The Banks can access this BCBS document from BIS website: where they are expected to review it and incorporate it where relevant in their own internal capital planning framework. |