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3.4 Additional Consideration for Stage Allocation

No: 42022533 Date(g): 23/11/2020 | Date(h): 8/4/1442

Effective from Jul 01 2021 - Jun 30 2021
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i.A single exposure to a borrower should not be split between stages. The total balance outstanding (including any overdue amount) must be staged in the higher credit risk stage. Thus, staging of such exposures must occur at the counterparty level instead of at the transactional level.
ii.Multiple exposures to the same borrower should be allocated in the same stage if each individual exposure is greater than 5% of total exposures to the customer. The aggregate of the exposures (including any overdue amounts) should be staged in the highest credit risk stage. Thus, staging of such exposures must occur at the counterparty level instead of at the transactional level.