Book traversal links for ملحق 1: معلومات إضإفية
Appendix 1: Additional Information
Below is a list of links, which provide readers of the different types of requirements which FinTechs may need to comply with depending on their business model/concept.
It is important for applicants to know most of the companies providing products or services in the financial services industry are regulated to safeguard users of the products/services and the regulatory requirements most likely will be greater than those requirements detailed in the Regulatory Sandbox Stage 2. FinTechs should assess the commercial viability of their propositions as part of the overall consideration as having a good idea that removes friction does not always mean the idea will lead to enough revenue generation to cover the operational costs of running the business.
Existing Regulations
1. Payments Rules and Instructions
2. Finance Rules and Instructions
3. Banking Rules and Instructions
4. AML Rules and Instructions
5. Cybersecurity Rules and Instructions
6. Credit Information Rules and Instructions
7. Money Exchange Rules and Instructions
8. Consumer protection Rules And Regulations
1. Banking Control
2. Credit Information
3. Anti-Money Laundering
4. Combating Terrorism Crimes & Financing Law
5. Finance Laws and Instructions
6. Law of Payments and Payment Services
7. Credit Information
1. The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Guide.
2. Implementing Regulation to the AML Law
3. SAMA Consumer Protection
4. Rules on Outsourcing.
5. Code of Conduct and Work Ethics in Financial Institutions
6. Whistle Blowing Policy for Financial Institutions.
7. SAMA Cybersecurity Framework
8. SAMA BCM Framework.
9. Fit and Proper Forms
10. Key Principles of Governance in Financial Institutions under the Control and Supervision of the Saudi Central Bank
11. Other Circulars