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No: GDBC-301000000391-1430H

Effective from Jan 30 2025 - Feb 10 2009
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Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency



Banking Technology                                                                                     No. BC/T 391


To: SARIE Participants

Attention: Payment Operations Manager

Date: 11 Feb 2009

Subject: Printed IBAN Account Formats

Dear Sir,

In order to achieve and maximize the benefits and advantages of IBAN and increase its usage, banks should improve and ease the readability of the IBAN when presented to customers. Lately, SAMA has noticed that some banks don’t present a readable IBAN structure when it’s provided to their customers through all customer correspondents’ channels such as statements, brochures, etc.

The document entitled "IBAN Standards in Saudi Arabia” sections 4 states that “in a printed format the IBAN structure shall remain, but the IBAN should be printed in groups of four characters and each group should be separated by a blank space or dashes.”


   Printed IBAN: SA39 1500 0999 1031 4343 0001
   Electronic IBAN: SA3915000999103143430001



Please make sure to adopt this practice when presenting IBAN accounts for your customers.

For more information, please visit SARIE documentation website for all related IBAN documents.



Yours sincerely,


‎Abdulmalik Al Shiekh
