The Requirement to Only Dispense to the Public or Replenish ATMs with Clean and Usable Banknotes
No: 23782/BC/251 | Date(g): 24/2/1994 | Date(h): 14/9/1414 |
Effective from 1994-02-24 - Feb 23 1994
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Re our circulars No. 422/M/T dated 8/11/1413H and No. 400/BC/241 dated 21 Shawal, 1413H, regarding the distortion of banknote by some people and the feeding of ATM machines with torn up or damaged bank notes by some banks we wish to inform you that, according to some SAMA branches some banks are not observing instructions in this regard. It was also noted that some banks do not separate banknotes suitable for circulation from those not suitable for circulation when they deposit cash with SAMA branches.
In view of the importance of this matter, SAMA calls on you to supply the public and feed the ATM machines only with clean and usable banknotes. We also call on you to separate banknotes that are suitable for circulation from those that are not suitable when you make cash deposits with SAMA branches. Please collect the non suitable banknotes and have them replaced by SAMA, rather than supplying them to the public.
Please be informed and act accordingly. SAMA shall conduct inspection visits at a later date and we hope you will cooperate with the examiners in the interest of the public.