Book traversal links for النماذج المستخدمة من قبل البنوك لغرض التحويلات والإيداع النقدي
No: 383/BC/276 |
Effective from 1992-01-12 - Jan 11 1992
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Deputy Governor
No. 383/BC/276
Date: 8th Rajab 1412 H
Attachment: 1
Circular to All Banks Operating in The Kingdom
Further to our circulars No. BC/376 dated 18-8-1409H and No. BC/6 dated 4-1-1410H regarding forms used by Saudi banks for remittances and deposits, we wish to inform you that upon reviewing such forms, SAMA saw the need for some amendments to the existing forms to be filled by the clients who desire to buy foreign currency (as per attached form).
Regarding the sale of foreign currencies (cash or traveler checks, the identity of the buyer should be defined as follows:
- Saudi()
- Non-Saudi()
Please be informed and do the necessary to use the attached form instead of the old form as of the end of March, 1992, adding at the end of each form the phrase 'requested information is solely for statistical purposes'.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Deputy Governor
J. A. Al-Suhaimi