Book traversal links for الالتزام بإرفاق نموذجي الكمبيالة و السند لأمر اللذين أعدتهم وزارة التجارة
No: 6876/BC/213 |
Effective from 1990-01-06 - Jan 05 1990
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Deputy Governor
No.: 6876/BC/213
Date: 9-6-1410 H
Circular to all Banks Operating in the Kingdom
Reference our circular No. 15361/BC/307 dated 19-11-1405 H (5-8-1985A.D) regarding the samples of bill of exchange and promissory notes prepared by the Ministry of Commerce for guidance.
The Ministry of Commerce has noticed that the bills of exchange and promissory notes used by banks do not fulfill the conditions stated in the Commercial Papers Law, and, as a result, the banks are loosing cases connected with such Commercial Papers. The Ministry, therefore, has prepared two forms for bills of exchange and promissory notes and recommended their use.
We attach herewith copy of the bill of exchange and promissory note for guidance.
Deputy Governor
J. A. Al-Suhaimi
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Commerce
Bill of Exchange
Place and date of issue_______________________amount______________ to_________________ Drawee____________________
Pay by this promissory note to(beneficiary) The above sum of on______________ (maturity date) Bearer has the right of recourse free of expenses and protest
Drawer's signature:_______________________________
Accepted as provisional guarantee
Name of guarantor______________________signature______________________
Promissory Note
Place and date of issue_________________________________amount ______________
I hereby undertake to pay by this promissory note to _______________________________(beneficiary) the above sum of_________________________
on ______________________(maturity date) Bearer has the right of recourse free of expenses and protest
Drawer's signature:.__________________________________
Signature of Issuer:_____________________
Accepted as provisional guarantee
Name of guarantor______________ signature___________________
Address _________________