Compliance with the regulations and instructions governing the employment of women in financial institutions supervised by the Central Bank
No: 371000052146 | Date(g): 13/2/2016 | Date(h): 6/5/1437 |
Translated Document
Effective from 2016-02-13 - Feb 12 2016
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Following the Central Bank circulars No. 351000096501 dated 26/07/1435H, No. M A T/23423 dated 09/09/1433H, and No. 24593/M A T/280 dated 20/05/1429H, and No. 17479/M A M/164 dated 02/11/1421H, regarding compliance with the regulations governing women's employment and the controls related to women's work.
The Central Bank emphasizes the importance of adhering to the instructions mentioned in the above circulars and complying with the regulations governing women's employment and the controls related to women's work in all circumstances, whether inside the establishment or outside, such as social events and training sessions held outside the establishment. Non-compliance with any of these instructions and controls will result in legal actions being taken against the establishment.
I hope for your acknowledgment and that all relevant departments are informed to act accordingly.