Book traversal links for 3/3/4. الاجتماعات والنصاب القانوني
3/3/4. Meetings and Quorum
No: 381000003528 | Date(g): 10/10/2016 | Date(h): 9/1/1438 |
Effective from 2016-10-10 - Oct 09 2016
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1. The subcommittee shall hold its meetings at least six times a year, and it may convene if the Chairperson deems it necessary.
2. The subcommittee shall hold meetings at the Financial Institute or at a location determined by the Chairperson in Riyadh or any other place agreed upon by the majority of the members.
3. The charter establishing the committee must include all regulations concerning meetings, including quorum and decision-making procedures.
4. The subcommittee must adhere to the scheduled meetings as planned.
5. The subcommittee may invite any expert to participate in meetings with the Chairperson's approval, but without voting rights.
6. Discussions must be conducted with high professionalism, in an organized manner, and should not include topics not on the agenda.
7. All members of the committee must maintain the confidentiality of the information exchanged during the meeting.
8. The Chairperson must ensure that members adhere to the rules and instructions governing the committee meetings, which all members must follow.