Book traversal links for 3/2/4. الاجتماعات والنصاب القانوني
4/2/3. Meetings and Quorum
No: 381000003528 | Date(g): 10/10/2016 | Date(h): 9/1/1438 |
Effective from 2016-10-10 - Oct 09 2016
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- The Executive Committee shall hold its meetings at least four times a year. It may also convene if the Chair deems it necessary or if two (2) members of the Executive Committee request it in writing.
- The Executive Committee shall hold its meetings at the Financial Institute or at a location agreed upon by the majority of members.
- A meeting of the committee is valid if attended by at least two-thirds of the members.
- Members of the Executive Committee are not allowed to delegate others to attend meetings or vote on decisions.
- Members of the Executive Committee must adhere to the planned meetings.
- Decisions of the Executive Committee are made by majority vote during meetings.
- In the event of a tie vote, the Chair’s vote will be decisive. Members who oppose a decision should record their comments in the meeting minutes.
- A member may abstain from voting on any decisions made in the meetings, and the reasons for abstention should be recorded in the meeting minutes.
- The Executive Committee may invite any expert to participate in meetings with the Chair’s approval, although they will not have voting rights.
- Discussions should be conducted with high professionalism and in an organized manner, ensuring that they do not include topics not listed in the agenda.
- All members must maintain the confidentiality of information shared within the meeting.
- The Chair must ensure that members adhere to the rules and regulations governing committee meetings, which all members must follow.