Book traversal links for Article 27: Contract Requirements Between the Company and Stores
Article 27: Contract Requirements Between the Company and Stores
No: 450360390000 | Date(g): 17/12/2023 | Date(h): 5/6/1445 | Status: In-Force |
A contract must be drawn up in paper or electronic form between the company and stores in accordance with the relevant legal requirements. Each party shall receive a copy of the contract that must clarify, at least, the following:
- Contract parties and their information.
- Contract term, provided that the contract term is consistent with the validity of relevant permits or licenses of both parties.
- Contract parties’ rights and obligations.
- Pricing structure.
- Withdrawal procedures and conditions.
- Information confidentiality, privacy and security.
- Customer protection provisions.
- Compliance of the parties with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, rules, guidelines and instructions.
- Provisions of contract renewal and renegotiation.
- Contract termination and expiration.
- Reporting and escalation procedures and dispute resolution mechanism.
- Any other data or information required by SAMA.