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Work Controls for Employees of Financial Institutions

No: 351000096501 Date(g): 25/5/2014 | Date(h): 26/7/1435

With reference to the Royal High Order No. 8/759 dated 5/10/1421 H, which stipulates that allowing women to work in government departments or other public or private institutions, companies or professions that lead to mixing with men and the like is not possible, whether the woman is Saudi or non-Saudi, as it is prohibited by Islamic Shariaa and contradicts the customs and traditions of this country, and that if there is a department that employs women in jobs that are not suited to their nature or in jobs that lead to mixing with men, this is a mistake that must be avoided. As well as the Royal Decree No. 187 dated 17/7/1426 H, which includes in its third paragraph a reference to the controls of employing women as wages for employers, including Not mixing with men in workplaces, and referring to the letter of His Royal Highness the Prince of Riyadh Region No. 16944 dated 7/8/1433 H, based on the letter of His Eminence the Grand Mufti, Chairman of the Council of Senior Scholars and Scientific Research Department No. 33011031 dated 7/7/1433 H, which includes the directive to emphasize adherence to the regulations and instructions governing the employment of women, in addition to the provisions related to the employment of women contained in the Labor Law issued by the Holy Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 23/8/1426 H and its Implementing Regulations, as well as the Women's Work Guide in the Private Sector issued by the Ministry of Labor and published on the Ministry's website (first version Muharram 1435 H) and any updates to it.

In line with SAMA's commitment to providing a suitable work environment for male and female employees in the financial institutions it supervises, the Central Bank emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the following:

First: The financial institution and all its employees must adhere to the provisions of the above-mentioned royal orders, regulations and directives, especially those related to the regulation of women's work in the private sector.

Second: All female workers in financial institutions must adhere to modesty in dress and appearance in accordance with the requirements of Sharia regulations and the customs and traditions of society.

Third: The management of the financial institution must adopt internal procedures and policies that regulate the work of women in accordance with the provisions of the Supreme Orders, regulations and directives referred to above, and take the necessary measures to implement this in order to provide a suitable work environment for its female employees that allows them to practice their work freely and separately from men.

Fourth: The financial institution must establish a fair and clear mechanism for job evaluation and annual promotions for all its employees to ensure justice and regulate the relationship between superiors and subordinates (Code of Conduct).

Fifth: The financial institution must fully comply with all the above-mentioned procedures and put them into actual implementation within a maximum period of 31/12/2014G, provided that SAMA is provided in writing with the date of actual implementation of these procedures.


Pursuant to Circular No. 371000052146 dated 13/2/2016G, and with reference to SAMA Circulars No. 351000096501 dated 26/07/1435 H, No. MT/23423 dated 09/09/1433 H, No. 24593/MT/280 dated 20/05/1429 H, and No. 17479/MT/164 dated 02/11/1421 H, SAMA emphasizes the need to comply with the aforementioned circulars, and the instructions regulating the work of women and the controls of women's work in all circumstances, whether inside or outside the establishment's premises, such as meetings and training courses held outside the establishment's premises, and that failure to comply with any of these instructions and controls will lead to taking legal action against the establishment.