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ATM Cassette Swap
No: 361000064350 | Date(g): 21/2/2015 | Date(h): 3/5/1436 |
Translated Document
Effective from 2015-02-21 - Feb 20 2015
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Reference to the complaint received to SAMA from the companies contracted to transport money and service ATMs, which includes the issue of banks not requesting and collecting amounts that are overpaid to customers through ATMs due to cash denomination discrepancies in the machines.
SAMA emphasizes the importance of taking all precautionary measures to reduce the occurrence of such cases and requires banks to adhere to the following:
- The bank must provide test cards (Test Card) that allow the cash replenishment team to conduct a trial withdrawal after each replenishment to ensure the correct denomination of cash in the cassettes.
- Compliance with the use of administrative supervisor cards (Supervisor Card) that enable the ATM matching process by the cash replenishment team in real-time, without waiting for the supporting departments to match the machines.
- It is recommended to utilize modern technology that allows users to test the cassettes, identify the cash denomination, and verify their usability.
- Adherence to the replenishment of cash cassettes and their securing under dual control within cash centers.
- Compliance with SAMA's circular No. 351000144643 dated 23/11/1435H, which amends the procedures for settling claims and complaints related to Saudi network operations, ensuring that the bank obtains a documented acknowledgment from the customer for the deduction from their account instead of obtaining a written approval.
- Cooperation between banks and contracted companies, providing them with the details of customers from whom amounts have been difficult to collect (customer name, national ID, ATM card number) to enable the contracted companies to pursue claims outside the Saudi Payment Network (CPS) system.
If there are any inquiries regarding this matter, please contact the Currency Management Advisor at SAMA.