Use Arabic in Correspondence with Government Authorities
No: BC/120 | Date(g): 20/5/1980 | Date(h): 6/7/1400 |
Effective from 1980-05-20 - May 19 1980
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Reference our circular No. BC/200 dated 5-4-1398H, referring to the Council of Ministers Decision No. 266 dated 21-2-1398H, which instructed all foreign companies and institutions, and their branches and offices, working in the Kingdom to use Arabic in their correspondence with Government authorities.
SAMA has received the circular of HE the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 3282/400 dated 28-6-1400H, referring to the Order of HRH the Vice President of the Council of Ministers No. 3/H/15351 dated 20-6-1400H whereby HRH noted that foreign languages are still used in drafting contracts and their attachments and in correspondence between government agencies, institutions and State-owned companies and foreign companies and establishments, despite the two decisions taken by the Council of Ministers instructing foreign companies and establishments, and their branches operating in the Kingdom, to use the Arabic language.
SAMA calls on you to use Arabic in correspondence with government authorities and to instruct your branches in the Kingdom to act accordingly.