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Article Thirteen

No: 41061554 Date(g): 20/6/2020 | Date(h): 29/10/1441

Effective from 2020-06-20 - Jun 19 2020
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1-The company protects the commercial confidentiality of the concerned parties. However, the company is required to provide registry data to the following entities:
  (a)The parties to the registered contract.
  (b)Entities licensed to conduct financing activities, with the lessor's written consent.
  (c)The judiciary.
  (d)The institution.
  (e)Interested parties in the secondary market; the beneficiary may request access to the registry for concerned parties, including advisors, appraisers, and others, in the case of securitization.
  (f)The Capital Market Authority, subject to obtaining the Central Bank’s approval.
  (g)Any other government entity, subject to obtaining the Central Bank’s approval.
2-Requests must be submitted electronically or in paper form to the company, which will issue a signed and certified copy of the registration data within five (5) business days from the date of the request.