Book traversal links for المادة الحادية عشرة
Article Eleven
No: 41061554 | Date(g): 20/6/2020 | Date(h): 29/10/1441 |
Translated Document
Effective from 2020-06-20 - Jun 19 2020
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- Registration for identity verification is based on the data from the national identity card, the resident identity card, and commercial registry data or its equivalent for legal entities.
- The registration of the registered right and similar assets is based on the proof of ownership document in accordance with Article (Ten) of the controls, The ownership document must be stamped to indicate the rights arising from the registered contract and the registration of ownership rights. Necessary measures must be taken for documents that cannot be stamped, such as property ownership deeds. The company may use electronic means for this purpose.
- The company may use electronic means for registering contracts and other services, subject to obtaining SAMA’s approval.