Cyber Security Framework
No: 381000091275 |
Effective from Jan 31 2025 - May 23 2017
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In view of the ever-growing seriousness of cyber-attacks, we are conscious of the need to stay one-step ahead. The issuance of a Cyber Security Framework (“Framework”) seeks to support our regulated entities in their efforts to have an appropriate cyber security governance and to build a robust infrastructure along with the necessary detective and preventive controls. The Framework articulates appropriate controls and provide guidance on how to assess maturity level.
The adoption and implementation of the Framework is a vital step for ensuring that Saudi Arabian Banking, Insurance and Financing Companies sectors can manage and withstand cyber security threats. In designing the Framework, we have considered the ways that our regulated entities are leveraging technology and felt that each entity will be able to adopt a common approach for addressing cyber security. This will ensure cyber security risks are properly managed throughout the sectors
To achieve the above, the full support and oversight from the Board of Directors and Senior Management are required for its implementation.
The Information Technology Risk team within the Deputyship of Supervision is at your disposal for any clarifications and we remain committed to guiding our regulated entities in creating a safer cyber environment.