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Cash Deposit for Class A Exchange Companies at SAMA Branches Directly

No: 381000098932 Date(g): 14/6/2017 | Date(h): 20/9/1438

Translated Document

Referring to SAMA's approval of cash deposit procedures for Category (A) exchange companies directly at the branches of SAMA.
It is required that banks operating in the Kingdom sign an agreement with Category (A) exchange companies that includes the procedures for cash deposits made by these companies directly at the branches of SAMA, taking into account the content of the agreement and the conditions and procedures that must be adhered to by the banks and Category (A) exchange companies, which include the following:

  1. The agreement must include a clause authorizing the exchange company to conduct the deposit on behalf of the bank.
  2. Authorization of the bank to representatives of the exchange companies to make deposit on its behalf, specifying their names and details, and that the exchange companies comply with the legal procedures for implementing deposit requirements according to the cash deposit policy applied by SAMA, as well as compliance with the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Valuable Documents and the approved implementing regulation for this purpose.
  3. Commitment of exchange companies to precautionary measures for importing Riyals concerning the safety of those funds and the reliability of the foreign exchange companies they deal with, ensuring the validity of their licenses.
  4. Commitment of exchange companies to the counting and sorting instructions issued by SAMA and the resulting responsibility for discrepancies or counterfeit currency. The bank shall be liable to SAMA for such cases and will deduct from the exchange company accordingly.
  5. Adoption of procedures for placing identification cards for the exchange companies on the supplied links to the branches, stamped with the bank's name as a document to prove discrepancies or counterfeit currency.