Supplementary Circular on Providing SAMA with Quarterly Risk Report Audited Annual Financial Statements and Quarterly Financial Statements of Finance Companies
No: 108909/99 |
Effective from 2024-01-17 - Feb 29 2020
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With reference to Circular No. 371000052766 dated 07/05/1437 AH. regarding the provision of quarterly risk reports and audited annual and quarterly financial statements to the central bank by financing companies.
We would like to inform you about the amendment to Paragraph Five of the above-mentioned circular, so that it reads as follows "Send the quarterly risk report, the audited annual financial statements, and the quarterly financial statements, in addition to the prudential data forms, directly to the email ( with a scanned electronic copy of the company's letter."
The Central Bank emphasizes the need to adhere to the amendment mentioned above, and to adopt electronic correspondence directly via email, and to stop providing the Central Bank with paper copies of the aforementioned reports.