Remote Work Initiative
No: 42032166 | Date(g): 28/12/2020 | Date(h): 14/5/1442 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Referring to the efforts of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to provide new job opportunities for citizens and to organize the labor market, it has launched several initiatives, including the "Remote" Work initiative. Under this initiative, the contractual relationship for "Remote" workers is subject to the provisions of the labor law, ministerial decisions, and the approved internal regulations of the establishment, and mandatory registration in social insurance.
SAMA would like to stress to all financial institutions the importance of officially registering "Remote" workers working in customer service professions in official records, and the mandatory registration in social insurance or the documentation of remote employees' contracts through the electronic portal specified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development at the provided web link including cases where the worker is contracted directly or through hiring the worker via an intermediary, contractor, or subcontractor to provide customer services 'remotely.'"
According to Circular No. (43008132) dated 25/1/1443 H, SAMA emphasizes that all financial institutions must comply with the instructions mentioned above, in addition to Decree No. (112203) issued by His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development on 18/6/1442 H, which include decision to restrict "remote" work in customer service professions to Saudis.