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Approving the Requirement for Lawyers to Obtain the Unified Identity Number for Non-Governmental Establishments Beginning with Number (7), through the Establishment's Legal Registry

No: 42058651 Date(g): 31/3/2021 | Date(h): 18/8/1442 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2021-03-31 - Mar 30 2021
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Reference is made to the telegram of His Excellency the Minister of Justice, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Bar Association, No. (421413698) dated 26/07/1442 AH, referring to the Ministry’s circular No. (13/T/8407), dated 29/06/1442 AH, which is based on the Council of Ministers' decision No. (225) dated 06/05/1439 AH. This includes that the Ministry’s circular stipulated that lawyers should update their information according to the unified national establishment number starting with the number (7). His Excellency desires to direct the financial institutions supervised by the Saudi Central Bank to require lawyers to obtain the national establishment number through the legal establishment register. And referred to Instructions of the Central Bank No. (42017708) dated 18/03/1442 AH Regarding the replacement of the financial institutions' identification number starting with the digit (7) in place of the commercial registration number and licenses for non-governmental establishments.

Hope you understand and comply with the requirement for lawyers to obtain the unified national establishment number starting with the number (7) through the legal establishment register.