4.1.5 Defined Benefit Pension Fund Assets and Liabilities
No: 341000015689 | Date(g): 19/12/2012 | Date(h): 6/2/1434 |
Effective from Dec 19 2012 - Dec 18 2012
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Defined benefit pension fund liabilities, as included on the balance sheet, must be fully recognized in the calculation of Common Equity Tier 1 (ie Common Equity Tier 1 cannot be increased through derecognizing these liabilities). For each defined benefit pension fund that is an asset on the balance sheet, the asset should be deducted in the calculation of Common Equity Tier 1 net of any associated deferred tax liability which would be extinguished if the asset should become impaired or derecognized under the relevant accounting standards. Assets in the fund to which the bank has unrestricted and unfettered access can, with supervisory approval, offset the deduction. Such offsetting assets should be given the risk weight they would receive if they were owned directly by the bank.
This treatment addresses the concern that assets arising from pension funds may not be capable of being withdrawn and used for the protection of depositors and other creditors of a bank. The concern is that their only value stems from a reduction in future payments into the fund. The treatment allows for banks to reduce the deduction of the asset if they can address these concerns and show that the assets can be easily and promptly withdrawn from the fund.