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Effective from 2021-03-23 - May 31 2021 To view other versions open the versions tab on the right
These Requirements are issued by Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) in exercise of the powers vested upon it under its Law issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/36) on 1104-1442H, and the Banking Control Law issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/5) on 22-02-1386H, and the rules for Enforcing its Provisions issued by Ministerial Decision No. 3/2149 on 14-10-1406AH.
These requirements are divided into two Sections;
Section A sets out the requirements for the reporting of over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions to the SAMA authorized Trade Repository (TR) Operator.
Section B requires banks, which enter into non-centrally cleared OTC derivative transactions to implement specified risk mitigation requirements. These risk mitigation requirements will apply to a bank, which is a contracting party to OTC derivative transactions that are not centrally cleared, irrespective of the bank’s outstanding notional amount of non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives or whether or not the transaction is executed for hedging purposes. OTC derivatives, which are centrally cleared, either directly or indirectly, are not subject to the risk mitigation requirements. Indirect clearing is an arrangement whereby a bank provides client-clearing services by clearing a client’s OTC derivative transactions through another clearing intermediary.
These updated requirements shall supersede SAMA circular No. 16278/67 dated 13-03-1441AH. The changes from the previous version are underlined. Reporting requirements for Equity, Credit and Commodity along with the updated requirements will take effect by June 1st 2021.