Book traversal links for استخدام السجل التجاري لعدة (مقار/محال) لنفس النشاط ونفس المنطقة الإدارية
Using Commercial Registers for the Same Activity in Many Locations/Stores in the Same Administrative Region
No: 119930000067 | Date(g): 5/11/2018 | Date(h): 26/2/1440 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from 2018-11-05 - Nov 04 2018
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The Central Bank received a letter from the Minister of Commerce and Investment, No. 1061 dated 7/1/1440 AH, referring to the ministry's efforts to facilitate the requirements for conducting business activities and to reduce associated costs, which positively impacts the improvement of the Kingdom's global economic indicators. The ministry studied the issue of mandating the issuance of branch commercial registrations for each establishment or location, even if they are in the same city and engaged in the same activity, as stipulated in Article Two of the Commercial Register System.
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment clarified that the issuance of branch commercial registrations is only mandatory if a (location or establishment) engages in activities different from the main activity, or if a (location or establishment) is opened in administrative areas outside the administrative region of the main center. The Commercial Register System does not require the issuance of a branch commercial registration for each (location or establishment) opened, and the procedures for each (location or establishment) can be completed with the main or branch registration in the same area that corresponds to the activity.