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Risk-Weighted Assets and Capital Requirements

No: 44047144 Date(g): 27/12/2022 | Date(h): 4/6/1444

Effective from Jan 01 2023 - Dec 31 2022
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14.1The risk-weighted assets for market risk under the simplified standardized approach are determined by multiplying the capital requirements calculated as set out in this chapter by 12.5.
 (1)[14.3] to [14.73] deal with interest rate, equity, foreign exchange (FX) and commodities risk.
 (2)[14.74] to [14.86] set out a number of possible methods for measuring the price risk in options of all kinds.
 (3)The capital requirement under the simplified standardised approach will be the measures of risk obtained from [14.2] to [14.86], summed arithmetically.
14.2The capital requirement arising from the simplified standardised approach is the simple sum of the recalibrated capital requirements arising from each of the four risk classes – namely interest rate risk, equity risk, FX risk and commodity risk as detailed in the formula below, where:
 (1)CRIRR = capital requirement under [14.3] to [14.40] (interest rate risk), plus additional requirements for option risks from debt instruments (non-delta risks) under [14.74] to [14.86] (treatment of options);
 (2)CREQ = capital requirement under [14.41] to [14.52] (equity risk), plus additional requirements for option risks from equity instruments (non-delta risks) under [14.74] to [14.86] (treatment of options);
 (3)CRFX = capital requirement under [14.53] to [14.62] (FX risk), plus additional requirements for option risks from foreign exchange instruments (non-delta risks) under [14.74] to [14.86] (treatment of options);
 (4)CRCOMM = capital requirement under [14.63] to [14.73] (commodities risk), plus additional requirements for option risks from commodities instruments (non-delta risks) under [14.74] to [14.86] (treatment of options);
 (5)CFIRR = Scaling factor of 1.30;
 (6)CFEQ = Scaling factor of 3.50;
 (7)CFCOMM = Scaling factor of 1.90; and
 (8)CFFX = Scaling factor of 1.20.