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5. Requirements for the Retention of Information Provided

No: 44082976 Date(g): 21/5/2023 | Date(h): 2/11/1444

Effective from May 22 2023 - May 21 2023
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Taking into account the laws and instructions related to data and information protection issued by the competent authorities, the entity shall, at a minimum: 
5.1Develop the necessary procedures and controls to maintain the confidentiality of all data and information obtained through the platform, and not disclose such data and information to any external party unless SAMA’s prior approval is obtained and in a manner consistent with the relevant regulations.
5.2Ensure the security, integrity and availability of the information provided through the platform, including, but not limited to, the information provided for the consumer and the information collected and stored by the entity or the other party it contracted with as a service provider. The entity shall particularly protect the consumer’s personal information from loss and unauthorized access, including use, modification and disclosure.
5.3Keep all consumer documents, records and files in an orderly, clear and safe manner and ensure that all files are complete and updated regularly, for a period of at least 10 years from the date of the end of the relationship with the consumer.