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4.1 Performance Management

No: 41033343 Date(g): 6/1/2020 | Date(h): 11/5/1441 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jul 01 2020 - Jun 30 2020
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i.Banks should establish proper and well-defined performance matrices for Workout Unit staff that should not be based solely on the reduction in the volume of nonperforming loans; An appraisal system and compensation structures tailored for the NPL Workout Unit should be implemented and in alignment with the overall NPL strategy, operational plan and the bank’s code of conduct.
ii.In addition to quantitative elements linked to the bank’s NPL targets and milestones (with a strong focus on the effectiveness of workout activities), the appraisal system should include qualitative measurements such as; level of negotiations competency, technical abilities relating to the analysis of the financial information and data received, structuring of proposals, quality of recommendations, and monitoring of restructured cases.
iii.The importance of the respective weight given to indicators within the overall performance measurement framework should be proportionate to the severity of the NPL issues faced by the bank.