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Article 27: On-Site Inspection

No: 4686 Date(g): 11/7/2020 | Date(h): 21/11/1441 Status: In-Force
a.SAMA has the right to conduct full and unrestricted inspections at any time and as it deems appropriate. This includes inspection of internal systems, documents, reports, records, employees, head offices, activity, financial conditions, information, data and documents sent by the Money Changer to SAMA and other matters that SAMA deems necessary to review as well as taking copies thereof. SAMA may carry out the inspection through its employees or through designated bodies or persons.
b.The Money Changer and its employees shall provide the records, data and documents requested by SAMA employees or designees in the form and time they specify. The Money Changer's employees must disclose the information they possess relating to Money Changing Business and any suspected violations.