Book traversal links for الملحق
No: 43033273 | Date(g): 18/11/2021 | Date(h): 13/4/1443 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
I acknowledge that the standing payment order to settle my obligations from my bank account (IBAN No.: .......) is a result of the financing granted to me by the financing entity, and that I cannot cancel it without providing a clearance letter from the beneficiary financing entity. I also acknowledge that I am not entitled to change the monthly deduction amount or the deduction period without the approval of the beneficiary financing entity. I further acknowledge that the bank has the right to deduct the monthly amount on the specified date or within (5) days of the specified date. I acknowledge that the bank executing the standing payment order is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the standing payment order, and bears no liability resulting from the execution of this order. The bank also reserves the right to seek recourse for any damages it may incur as a result of this order.