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"Nafith" Electronic Platform Approved by the Ministry of Justice
No: 41045412 | Date(g): 24/2/2020 | Date(h): 1/7/1441 |
Translated Document
Effective from 2020-02-24 - Feb 23 2020
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Referring to the "NAFITH" platform for executive bonds, which is approved by the Ministry of Justice and other government entities, this platform offers a fully electronic service for issuing and managing executive bonds with ease and efficiency.
In line with SAMA's strategy to promote the use of electronic channels to enhance service levels and contribute to achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030, we would like to inform you that financing companies can now connect to the "NAFITH" electronic platform approved by the Ministry of Justice and benefit from the services provided through it, while ensuring compliance with the regulations and instructions issued by SAMA.