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Attachment 5.3: National Discretion – IRB Approach

No: BCS 290 Date(g): 12/6/2006 | Date(h): 16/5/1427

Effective from Jan 01 2008 - Dec 31 2007
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Reference to Basel II DocumentAreas of National DiscretionSAMA's Position
227Definition of HVCRE.N/A
231Establish exposure threshold to distinguish between retail and corporate.Yes
231For residential mortgages, set limits on the maximum number of housing units per exposure.N/A
232Set a minimum number of exposures within a pool for exposures in that pool to be treated as retail.No
237 (FN59)Debts with economic substance of equity may not be included where directly hedged by an equity holding.Yes
238Re-characterize debt holding as equities for regulatory purposes.Yes
242Purchased receivables: Size and concentration limits above which using the "bottom-up" approach.No
249 - 251 & 283HVCRE: banks will be able to use the foundation or advanced approaches, similar to the corporate approach, but with a separate RW function.N/A
267 - 269For a maximum of ten years, exempt equity exposures from the IRB treatment.No
274Firm-size adjustment and threshold for SME based on total assets instead of total sales.Yes
277Lower SL RWs, 75% to strong exposures and 100% to good exposures.Yes
282HCVRE: assign preferential RW of 75% to "strong" exposures, and 100% to "good" Exposures.N/A
288Employ a wider definition of subordinated loan for a 75% LGD under FIRB.Yes
318 - 319Determine whether to use an explicit or implicit M adjustment under FIRB.Implicit
319Exemption on explicit M to smaller domestic firms, those with consolidated sales and assets of less than SR. 500 million.No
321 - 322Determine within the explicit M adjustment which instrument will apply for the carve-out from the one-year maturity floor.Yes
341 -342Equity: which approach or approaches (market based or PD/LGD approach) will be used.Market
344 - 349Equity: which market-based approaches [simple risk weight (SRW) or internal models method] to use.Both
356Exclude equity whose debt obligations qualify for a zero RW under SA.No
357Exemption for equity under legislative Programmes.No
358Exemption for equity based on materiality Threshold.Yes
378Assign preferential RWs to HVCRE.N/A
385Treatment where calculated EL amount is lower than provisions. Yes
404Require a greater number of borrowers grades than seven for non-defaulted borrowers and one defaulted.Yes
257Phase roll out of the IRB approach across the banking group.Yes
259Exemption from IRB for some exposures in non-significant business units that are immaterialYes
260Equity on IRB, even if banks opts for SA.No
264 - 265Relaxation of data requirement for a transitional periodYes
443Require an external audit of the bank's rating assignment process and estimation of loss characteristicsYes
452 (FN 82)For retail and PSE, default is considered if past due more than 180 days. For corporate, only for a transitional period of five yearsNo
458Establish more specific requirements on re-ageingNo
467Mandatory to adjust PD estimates upward for anticipated seasoning effectsYes
521Determine other physical collateral as risk mitigant under the foundation approach that meet the criteria.Yes