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2. Executive Summary

No: 581 Date(g): 22/9/2008 | Date(h): 23/9/1429 Status: Modified

Effective from Jan 31 2009 - Jan 30 2009
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The major purpose of the Executive Summary is to describe in a summary form the main results of the ICAAP effort which is to bring into one place objectives of the ICAAP, the assessment of the capital requirements for strategies, business plans, all risks, acquisitions, etc. Also presented and described should be the capital required for economic, regulatory and accounting purposes and identification of planned sources of capital to meet these objectives. The following information should be briefly described and where appropriate, relevant amounts are quantified and presented in a tabular format: 
A.1. Capital Required
  Pillar 1 Capital Requirements
  Pillar 2 Capital Requirements
  Business Plans (Summarized)
   Growth Rate and amounts by business lines
   Capital requirements by business lines
  Strategic Initiatives
  Capital Expenses
  Stress testing
  Other capital requirements
  Total capital requirements
 2.Capital Available
  Current Availability
  Qualifying Sukuks
  Qualifying Debt issues
  Rights issue
  Other capital sources
  Total capital sources
 3.Buffer Available (1-2)
B.Dividends Proposed
C.Funding plans over the Time Horizon
D.Capital requirement for each subsidiary or affiliate
Other information that may be included in the Executive Summary are comments on significant matters on any of the items above.