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4.4 National Discretion Items

Effective from Jun 12 2006 - Dec 31 2007
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(Refer to Attached)

National Discretion – The Standardized Approach

Reference to Basel II DocumentAreas of National DiscretionSAMA's Position
54Lower RW to claims on sovereign (or Central Bank) in domestic currency if funded in that currency.Yes
55Recognition of ECA's assessments.No
57Claims on domestic PSEs as if banks.Yes
58Claims on domestic PSEs as if sovereigns.Listed
60-64Claims on banks: Opt. 1, RW one category less than sovereign: Opt.2, RW based on the bank's external credit assessment.Option -2
64Preferential RW treatment for claims on banks with an original maturity of 3 months or less and denominated and funded in the domestic currency.Yes
67Increase standard RW for unrated claims when a higher RW is warranted by the default experience in their jurisdiction.No
68To risk weight all corporate claims at 100% without regard to external ratings.No
69Definition of claims included in regulatory retail portfolio.Yes
70Granularity criterion for the retail portfolio, limit of 0.2% of the overall retail portfolio.Yes
71To increase RWs for regulatory retail exposures.No
72Definition of claims secured by residential mortgages.Yes
72-73To increase preferential RWs for claims secured by residential propertiesYes
74 (FN25)Commercial real estate 50% RW only if strict conditions are met.No
75 & 78RW for the unsecured portion of a loan past due, net of specific provisions are more than 50%.No
75 (FN26)Past due treatment for non-past due loans to counterparties subject to a 150%RW.No
76 (FN26)Transitional period of three years for recognition of a wider range of collateral for higher risk categories (past due assets).No
77If a past due loan is fully secured by other forms of collateral, 100% RW may apply when provisions reach 15% of the outstanding amount.Yes
80150% or higher RW to other assets.No
81 (FN28)RW gold bullion at 0%.Yes
92Mapping ECAI's assessments to RWs.Yes
102 (FN31)Use a borrower's domestic currency rating for exposure in foreign exchange transactions when loan extended by an MDB.Yes
108Use of unsolicited ratings.No
201Lower RW to claims guaranteed by the sovereign (or central bank), when dominated and funded in domestic currency.Yes