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Article 30: Conflict of Interests

Date(g): 1/12/2021 | Date(h): 26/4/1443

Effective from Dec 01 2021 - Nov 30 2021
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1-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company shall take reasonable measures to avoid and address any conflict of interest to ensure fair treatment of all clients.
2-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company shall not provide advice to Participants in relation to the Institutional Beneficiary’s projects displayed on the Debt-Based Crowdfunding Platform.
3-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company shall not finance or grant facilities to an Institutional Beneficiary in which one of the members of the board of directors of the Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company, its directors, or its employees, as well as their spouses and first- or second-degree relatives has an interest.
4-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company and its employees shall not have any interest in any financing granted through the Platform.