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Article 23: Participant Due Diligence

Date(g): 1/12/2021 | Date(h): 26/4/1443

Effective from Dec 01 2021 - Nov 30 2021
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1-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company shall prepare a Participant due diligence program. This program must include policies and procedures for the following, as a minimum:
 a.Know Your Customer (KYC).
 b.Information security.
 c.Data privacy and confidentiality.
 d. Combating financial crimes, such as money laundering and terrorist financing.
2-The Debt-Based Crowdfunding Company shall comply with the Electronic Transactions Law and its Implementing Regulations and relevant laws and shall establish the necessary procedures and measures to ensure the validity of information, including:
 a.verifying the Participant’s email address and phone number by sending a verification link to the registered email and number (Authentication)
 b.Developing procedures necessary to ensure the provision of up-to-date information, such as the national address.