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O. Access to Outsourced Data

No: 41027017 Date(g): 15/12/2019 | Date(h): 18/4/1441

Effective from 2019-12-15 - Dec 14 2019
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33.Banks are required to ensure that for all outsourcing arrangements, Saudi Central Bank has unrestricted and timely access to current and accurate records pertaining to the outsourcing as per Article # 17 and 18 of the Banking Control Law dated 22/2/1386 H (11/6/1966).
34.Banks are also required to ensure that for all outsourcing arrangements, Saudi Central Bank has unrestricted access to data pertaining to the outsourcing, if located at the premises of the third-party service provider; and Saudi Central Bank and the Banks' auditors must be able to exercise those rights of access.