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A. Background

No: 41027017 Date(g): 15/12/2019 | Date(h): 18/4/1441

Effective from 2019-12-15 - Dec 14 2019
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1.Banks are increasingly using third party services to carry out activities, functions and processes such as outsourcing arrangements. While outsourcing can bring down cost and provide other benefits, it may increase the risk profile of an institution through such risks as strategic, reputation, compliance, financial and operational risks arising from failure of a third-party or a related party service provider in providing the service, breaches in security, or inability to comply with legal and regulatory requirements by the institution. Banks can also be exposed to country risk when a third-party or a related party service provider is located overseas and systemic risk when there is lack of control by a group of banks over a common third-party service provider. It is therefore important that banks adopt a sound and responsive risk management framework when outsourcing. These requirements aim to ensure that all outsourcing arrangements are subjected to appropriate due diligence, approval and ongoing monitoring. All risks arising from outsourcing must be appropriately managed to ensure that the bank is able to meet both its financial and service obligations to its depositors.
2.These rules shall supersede the existing Saudi Central Bank Rules in Outsourcing issued vide Saudi Central Bank circular no. 34720/ B.C.S dated 20 July 2008 and Outsourcing for Foreign Banks Branches vide Saudi Central Bank circular no. 391000014241 dated 06/02/1439 H.