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Article 12: Responsibilities and Duties of the Shariah Committee Members

Effective from Feb 12 2020 - Aug 08 2020
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1.Attending committee meetings and providing a legitimate excuse when absent after notifying the chairperson in advance.
2.Knowing clearly the duties and responsibilities arising from membership in the committee.
3.Dedicating sufficient time to carry out their responsibilities and to prepare for and participate in committee meetings effectively.
4.Enabling other committee members to express their views freely, encouraging the deliberation of certain topics, and taking opinions of specialists from the relevant department and others if the need arises.
5.Informing the board immediately and fully about any direct or indirect interest in the business and contracts executed for the bank, or the direct or indirect engagement in any business that would compete with the bank.
6.Refraining from disclosing any confidential information obtained through their membership in the committee.