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Article 9: Shariah Committee Meetings

Effective from Feb 12 2020 - Aug 08 2020
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1.The committee shall hold meetings on a regular basis, and whenever the need arises, to exercise its duties effectively and to ensure that the bank’s operations are not adversely affected by the difficulty in obtaining the committee’s decisions on Shariah matters that are referred to it.
2.The committee meetings shall be held periodically, at least once every three months.
3.For a committee meeting to be valid, it shall be attended by the majority of the members. The resolutions shall be adopted by the majority of votes of the attending members. In the case of a tie, the vote of the committee's chairperson shall prevail.
4.A committee member is expected to contribute to meetings and allocate sufficient time and effort to discharge their duties effectively. The member must attend at least (75) percent of the committee meetings held during the fiscal year.
5.The meetings shall be documented and minutes of meetings shall be prepared, including the discussions and deliberations. The committee’s decisions and voting results shall be documented and kept in a special and organized record. Names of the attending members shall be stated along with their objections (if any) and their reasons. All attending members shall sign the minutes of meetings.