Book traversal links for Attachment C
Attachment C
No: 4922/67 | Date(g): 24/9/2019 | Date(h): 25/1/1441 |
Effective from Jan 01 2020 - Dec 31 2019
To view other versions open the versions tab on the right
Foreign Branc | Q-A5 | ||||
NSFR | |||||
For the quarter ending __________ | |||||
Components of ASF category | ASF factor | Unadjusted amount | Amount of Available | Additional instructions by | |
1 | Total longer term funding or quasi capital | 100% | - | If funding provided by parent bank is longer term (greater than | |
2 | Other funding with effective residual maturity of one year or more | 100% | |||
3 | Stable non-maturity (demand) deposits and term deposits with residual maturity of less than one year provided by retail and small business customers | 95% | - | ||
4 | Less stable non-maturity deposits and term deposits with residual maturity of less than one year provided by retail and small business customers | 90% | - | ||
5 | Funding with residual maturity of less than one year provided by non-financial corporate customers | 50% | - | ||
6 | Operational deposits | 50% | - | ||
7 | Funding with residual maturity of less than one year from sovereigns, PSEs, and multilateral and national development banks | 50% | - | ||
8 | Other funding with residual maturity between six months and less than one year not included in the above categories, including funding provided by central banks and financial institutions | 50% | - | f funding provided by parent bank is shorter term (less than 1 year), then report it in this row | |
9 | All other liabilities and funding not included in the above categories, including liabilities without a stated maturity (with a specific treatment for deferred tax liabilities and minority interests) | 0% | - | ||
10 | NSFR derivative liabilities net of NSFR derivative assets if NSFR derivative liabilities are greater than NSFR derivative assets | 0% | - | ||
11 | “Trade date” payables arising from purchases of financial instruments, foreign currencies and commodities | 0% | - | ||
Total Amount of Available Stable Funding | - | - |
Components of RSF category | categoryRSF factor | Unadjusted amount | Required Stable Funding Amount | |
1 | Coins and banknotes | 0% | - | |
2 | Al l central bank reserves | 0% | - | |
3 | Al l claims on central banks with residual maturities of less than six months | 0% | - | |
4 | “Trade date” receivables arising from sales of financial instruments, foreign currencies and commodities. | 0% | - | |
5 | Unencumbered Level 1 assets, excluding coins, banknotes and central bank reserves | 5% | - | |
6 | Unencumbered loans to financial institutions with residual maturities of less than six months, where the loan is secured against Level 1 assets as defined in LCR paragraph 50, and where the bank has the ability to freely rehypothecate the received collateral for the life of the loan | 10% | - | |
7 | Al l other unencumbered loans to financial institutions with residual maturities of less than six months not included in the above categories | 15% | - | |
8 | Unencumbered Level 2A assets | 15% | - | |
9 | Unencumbered Level 2B assets | 50% | - | |
10 | HQLA encumbered for a period of six months or more and less than one year | 50% | - | |
11 | Loans to financial institutions and central banks with residual maturities between six months and less than one year | 50% | - | |
12 | Deposits held at other financial for operational purposes | 50% | - | |
13 | Al l other assets not included in the above categories with residual maturity of less than one year, including loans to non-financial corporate clients, loans to retail and small business customers, and loans to sovereigns and PSEs | 50% | - | |
15 | Other unencumbered loans not included in the above categories, excluding loans to financial institutions, with a residual maturity of one year or more and with a risk weight of less than or equal to 35% under the standardized approach | 65% | - | |
16 | Cash, securities or other assets posted as initial margin for derivative contracts and cash or other assets provided to contribute to the default fund of a CCP | 85% | - | |
17 | Other unencumbered performing loans with risk weights greater than 35% under the standardized approach and residual maturities of one year or more, excluding loans to financial institutions | 85% | - | |
18 | Unencumbered securities that are not in default and do not qualify as HQLA with a remaining maturity of one year or more and exchange-traded equities | 85% | - | |
19 | Physical traded commodities, including gold | 85% | - | |
20 | Al l assets that are encumbered for a period of one year or more | 100% | - | |
21 | NSFR derivative assets net of NSFR derivative liabilities if NSFR derivative assets are greater than NSFR derivative liabilities. | 100% | - | |
22 | 20% of derivative liabilities as calculated according to paragraph 19 | 100% | - | |
23 | All other assets not included in the above categories, including non-performing loans, loans to financial institutions with a residual maturity of one year or more, non-exchange-traded equities, fixed assets, items deducted from regulatory capital, retained interest, insurance assets, subsidiary interests and defaulted securities | 100% | - | |
Total Amount of Required Stable Funding | - | - |
RSF category | RSF factor | Unadjusted amount | Amount of Required Stable Funding |
Irrevocable and conditionally revocable credit and liquidity facilities to any client - 5% of the currently undrawn portion | 5% | - | |
Other contingent funding obligations, including products and instruments such as: | - | ||
• Unconditionally revocable credit and liquidity facilities | 3% | - | |
• Trade finance-related obligations (including guarantees and letters of credit) | 2% | - | |
• Guarantees and letters of credit unrelated to trade finance obligations | - | ||
• Non-contractual obligations such as: | 0% | - | |
- potential requests for debt repurchases of the bank’s own debt or that of related conduits, securities investment vehicles and other such financing facilities | 0% | - | |
- structured products where customers anticipate ready marketability, such as adjustable rate notes and variable rate demand notes (VRDNs) | 0% | - | |
- managed funds that are marketed with the objective of maintaining a stable value | 0% | - | |
Total Amount of Required Stable Funding | - | ||