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A. Capital

Date(g): 1/12/2018 | Date(h): 23/3/1440

Effective from Jan 13 2019 - Jan 12 2019
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10.SAMA will also assess the adequacy of capital for an applicant on a case-by-case basis depending on the scale, nature and complexity of the operations as proposed in the business plan. Foreign Bank branches are not required to maintain capital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia although capital requirements may be set on a case-by-case basis, for example, those intending to conduct high risk businesses and/or wanting to specialize in particular business lines that require specific level of capacity or competence.
11.Applicants must satisfy SAMA that they are able to comply with SAMA’s capital adequacy requirements from the commencement of their banking operations. All locally incorporated banks are required to maintain, at all times, a minimum capital ratio (CAR) as set by SAMA. Newly established banks may be subject to a higher minimum capital ratio in their formative years, depending on the risk profile of their proposed operations.