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4.7. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Effective from Sep 24 2019 - Sep 23 2019
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101.A FBB that takes significant retail deposits or is a systematically important wholesale FBB shall be subject to minimum LCR requirements and shall be referred to as an LCR FBB. Such FBBs are required to report their LCR position in accordance with Attachment B. FBBs should refer to SAMA’s general guidance concerning ammended LCR that can be found in SAMA’s website.
102.An LCR FBB must maintain an adequate level of unencumbered high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) to meet its liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day period under a severe stress scenario, in accordance with (Attachment B):
103.For an LCR FBB, the ratio of the LCR must not be less than 100 percent on an all currencies basis.
104.SAMA may require an LCR FBB to maintain a higher minimum LCR if it has concerns about the FBB’s liquidity risk profile or the quality of its liquidity risk management.