Book traversal links for الحسابات البنكية الخاصة بأفراد القبائل النازحة المنتهية إقامتهم
Bank Accounts for Members of Displaced Tribes with Expired Residency
No: 68621/67 | Date(g): 17/7/2019 | Date(h): 15/11/1440 |
Effective from 2019-07-17 - Jul 16 2019
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In reference to the telegram from His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior No. 206572 dated 18/09/1440 H, which includes permission to reactivate bank accounts for bank customers from the displaced tribes whose residency has expired, who work in the public and private sectors, according to specified regulations.
Exceptionally from Rule No. (200-1-4) concerning the displaced tribes and the tribes of the Empty Quarter, as outlined in the banking account rules communicated via Circular No. 65681/67 dated 01/11/1440 H, which states: "Bank accounts for these individuals residing in the Kingdom shall be opened for the duration of their residency, and banks must obtain a residency identification document...", the following has been decided:
First: Individuals from the displaced tribes who receive monthly salaries deposited into their bank accounts for their work in government entities are allowed to conduct all banking operations on these accounts.
Second: Individuals from the displaced tribes who receive monthly salaries deposited into their bank accounts for their work in the private sector or government assistance are permitted to perform only two cash withdrawal transactions for these deposits each month.
Please be informed and act accordingly from this date onward.