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Article 8

No: M/38 Date(g): 10/12/2020 | Date(h): 25/4/1442 Status: In-Force
1.The competent authority shall devise a resolution plan for each SIFI, which includes the resolution procedures to be taken upon the existence of the conditions referred to in Article 10 of this Law.
2.If the financial institution is a holding company, the competent authority shall devise a resolution plan for the financial group, and a resolution plan for each subsidiary financial institution.
3.In preparing the resolution plan, the competent authority shall identify significant obstacles which may hinder resolution procedures, and shall propose contingency plans.
4.In preparing the resolution plan, the competent authority shall take into account all potential crises and causes thereof, whether related to the SIFI or having an impact thereon.
5.The resolution plan must include the following:
 a)Identification of the main competent authority, where necessary, and any relevant entity the cooperation of which is required in addition to the identification of its tasks and powers.
 b)A summary of the main components of the plan.
 c)A summary of fundamental changes in the SIFI which took place after the drafting of the last resolution plan.
 d)Clarification of the method of separating critical activities or any other major activities from other activities legally and economically to ensure the continuity of the SIFI operation.
 e)An estimated timeframe for the implementation of each key component of the plan.
 f)A detailed description of procedures for determining the market value of each SIFI activity, operations, and assets, as well as the feasibility thereof to be marketed and sold.
 g)Description of how the resolution procedures are funded.
 h)Description of alternative resolution procedures which may be implemented depending on the status and circumstances of the SIFI.
 i)Description of the options available for the continuity of the SIFI as a member of the settlement systems, and an assessment of options for transferring client assets, deposits, funds, accounts, and insurance policies.
 j)Analysis of the impact of the resolution plan on SIFI personnel, its cost, and available settlement options.
6.The competent authority shall share with the SIFI its vision of the main components of the resolution plan or its update in order to receive feedback from the SIFI within a specified period, provided that it is not less than 60 days.
7.The competent authority shall update the resolution plan as necessary.
8.The competent authority may include in the Implementing Regulations additional rules and provisions on the preparation and implementation of the resolution plan.