Termination of the Use of Denominations of Omani Currency and Withdrawal from Circulation (Before the Sixth Edition 2020)
No: 000046006397 | Date(g): 1/8/2024 | Date(h): 26/1/1446 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Referring to Central Bank of Oman Circular No. (1201) issued on 24 Jumada II 1445H corresponding to 7 January 2024G, which includes the announcement of the termination of the use of all Omani banknotes (before the sixth edition 2020G) and withdrawing them from circulation within a maximum period of (360) days from the date of publication of the announcement, as these currencies will become unfit for use or circulation as legal cash after 31 December 2024 G and that whoever owns the banknotes mentioned in the announcement must replace them with any banknote from the sixth edition denominations that are valid for circulation before the expiry of the above-mentioned period.
Accordingly, SAMA would like to inform you about the decision of the Central Bank of Oman referred to above regarding the termination of the use of denominations of Omani currency before the sixth edition (2020) and withdrawing them from circulation, according to the period referred to.