Exchanging of Damaged Saudi Banknotes
No: 321000015865 | Date(g): 11/6/2011 | Date(h): 10/7/1432 |
Translated Document
In reference to the circulars issued by SAMA regarding the assignment of banks to receive and replace damaged banknotes (torn, burned, eroded, incomplete edges or parts, or missing any of their main features due to dirt or due to adhesives or inappropriate phrases and words written on them....), including:
Circular Number |
| Date | |
1) | BC/155 | 23/08/1400 H | |
2) | 10023/BC/192 | 13/07/1405 H | |
3) | 42/N | 20/01/1412 H | |
4) | 400/BC/241 | 21/10/1413 H | |
5) | 23782/BC/251 | 14/09/1414 H |
In view of the observation that some banks do not comply with the content of these circulars and their reluctance to receive requests from citizens and residents regarding the replacement of unacceptable banknotes, and based on SAMA's keenness to provide intact and valid banknotes for circulation, we would like to emphasize what was stated in the circulars referred to above, and to accept and replace the various denominations of currency after ensuring their safety from counterfeiting, with the adoption of the following new mechanism for accepting and compensating damaged cash submitted by the public.
- The replaced banknote must be clearly defined and its area should not be less than 60% of the size of the original banknote.
- The full signatures (Minister of Finance and Governor of SAMA) or all the serial numbers should not be missing.
- In the event that the features of the banknote are not clear as a result of exposure to fire or other natural factors such as corrosion, the holder shall present it to one of the branches of SAMA.
We hope to adhere to this and emphasize on all your branches and cash centers to handle intact cash and withdraw damaged and invalid cash from circulation, noting that SAMA and its branches are fully prepared to provide training courses to stakeholders in order to inform them of the best practices in the field of cash circulation.