Chapter 4 Sanctions
Article 30
Whoever describes, explicitly or implicitly, the King or the Crown Prince as infidel, or challenges him in his religion or justice shall be sentenced to no more than a ten-year prison term of no less than a five-year term.
Article 31
Whoever carries a weapon or explosives for executing a terrorist crime shall be sentenced to no more than a 30-year prison term or no less than a 10-year prison term.
Article 32
Whoever establishes or manages a terrorist entity or assumes a leading position therein, shall be sentenced to no more than a twenty-five-year prison term or no less than a fifteen-year prison term. Should the doer be an officer in the armed forces, or one of their staff, or should he have received training at a terrorist entity, the prison sentence shall not be less 20 years or no more than thirty years.
Article 33
Whoever joins a terrorist entity or participates therein shall be sentenced to no more than a twenty-year prison term or no less than a three-year term. Should the doer be an officer in the armed forces, or one of their staff, or should he have received training at a terrorist entity, the prison sentence shall not be less 15 years or no more than thirty years.
Article 34
Whoever supports or call for any terrorist ideology, a terrorist entity, a terrorist crime or the approach of its perpetrator, expresses sympathy with it, justifies the act of the crime, promotes, or lauds it, or acquires or obtains any document , publications or recorded materials – with intention of publication or promotion- whatever their types are that include justification or promotion of the terrorist ideology , the terrorist offence and lauding same, shall be sentenced to no more than an eight-year prison term or no less than a three-year term.
Article 35
Whoever instigates another person to join any terrorist entity or to participate in its activities, or recruits, or contributed to financing any such act shall be sentenced to no more than twenty-five-year prison term or no less than an eight-year term; however, should he ban him from withdrawal from the entity, or exploits for this purpose his competence, power or responsibility over him or any other educational, training, guidance, social, instructive or information capacity the punishment shall not be less than fifteen years.
Article 36
Whoever performs any of the following acts – for committing any of the crimes set forth under this Law- shall be sentenced to no more than a twenty-year prison term or no less than ten years:
1. Dedicates, prepares or manages a place for training.
2. Trains, receives trains or finance training in any of the following:
a) Use of any weapons, explosives, nuclear, chemical, biological, radiant, or poisonous materials, or criminating devices, or any wire and wireless communication or electronic mediums, or their manufacturing, preparation, assembling, development, preparation, acquisition, possession or importing them.
b) Forgery or use of information media or methods.
c) Warfare technics or fighting skills.
Article 37
Whoever provides a terrorist entity, any of its members, or any terrorist with any weapons, explosives, ammunitions, nuclear, chemical, biological, radiant, poisonous materials or burning devices, shall be sentenced to no more than a thirty-year prison term or no less than ten years.
In addition, whoever provides a terrorist entity, any of its leaders, any of its members or any person who is related to crimes stipulated in the present law, with any valid or forged documents.
Article 38
Whoever provides a terrorist entity, any of its members or any terrorist with any communication means, or furnishes any of them with information, consultation, assistance, a livelihood means, housing, shelter, medical care, transport, a meeting place or any other facilities that could help in achieving their purposes, shall be punished by no more than twenty year prison term or no less than a ten-year term.
Article 39
Whoever smuggles any weapons, ammunitions, explosives, nuclear or chemical, biological, radiant or poisonous materials, or any burning devices, any wire or wireless or electronic communication mediums, or manufactures develops, assembles, prepares imports acquires or possesses them, or smuggles any of the raw materials or devices used in manufacturing, preparing and providing them, or transporting them through post parcels, public and private transport means or any other means with the intention of their use in committing any of the crimes state in this Law, shall be punished by no more than a twenty-five-years prison terms or no less than a fifteen-year term.
Article 40
Whoever kidnaps a person, detains or imprisons him, or threatens of any of such deeds for committing a terrorist offence or terrorism financing crime shall be sentenced to no more than a thirty-year prison term or no less than a ten-year term. The court may sentenced a death if any of such deeds was associated with using of weapons or explosives for threatening.
Article 41
Whoever highjacks any means of air, sea or land transport or threatens to carry out any of such acts for committing a terrorist crime or terrorism financing offence shall be sentenced to no more than a thirty-year prison term or no less than a ten-year term. The court may sentenced to death if any of such deeds was accompanied with the use of or threatening with weapons or explosives.
Article 42
Whoever destroys any of the public or private utilities or any means of transport, or any air, sea or land companies or platforms fixed at the bottom of the sea, exposes them to risks, damages them of obstruct service therein, for executing a terrorist crime, shall be sentenced to no more than a fifteen-year prison term or no less than an eight-year term.
Article 43
Whoever establishes a web site on the internet or a program on a computer system or any electronic systems, or transmits any of them for committing a crime stipulated under this law, or facilitate communication with a leader or members of any terrorist entity, or promulgate its thoughts, or finances it, publishes how to manufacture burning devices or explosives, or any other device for their use in committing a terrorist offence shall be sentenced to no more than a twenty-year prison term or no less than a five-year term.
Article 44
Whoever broadcast in any means news, a statement, false or malicious rumor for implementing a terrorist crime, shall be sentenced to no more than a five-year prison term or no less than one-year term.
Article 45
Whoever selects the Kingdom’s territories as a location for planning or meeting to commit a terrorist crime or TF offence or a TF crime outside the Kingdom shall be sentenced to no more than a ten-year prison term or no less than a five-year term.
Article 46
Whoever obstructs the progress of investigation or trial, or attacks or threatens to attack any of the officers enforcing the provisions of this Law, or challenges him or attacks or threaten to attack any of his relatives or properties , shall be punished by a prison term of no more than ten years or no less than a three-year term.
Article 47
Whoever provides, raises, collects, and receives funds or allocates, transfers, converts , acquires them, or calls for contributing such funds in any manner, directly or indirectly, from a legitimate or illegitimate sources- with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be use wholly or in part for committing a terrorist offence, inside or outside the Kingdom or they are related to it or they will be used by a terrorist entity or a terrorist for whatever purpose, even if the crime has not occurred or the funds have not been used, shall be sentenced to no more than fifteen-year prison term and no less than a five-year term. If the doer has exploited, for this purpose, the facilities empowered to him by his job capacity or his professional activity or social standing, the punishment shall not be less a ten-year prison term.
Article 48
Whoever has traveled to another State for the purpose of committing any of the offenses set out in this Law shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen years and not less than five years.
Article 49
Any legal person whose any of his owners, representatives, directors, or agents have committed any of the offences set out in this law or contributed thereto shall be sentenced to a fine of no more than ten million Saudi riyals and no less than three million Saudi riyals, if the crime has occurred in his name or for his own account without prejudice to the responsibility of the natural person who has committed the crime. Courts may have the right to suspend the activity of the legal person on a temporary or permanent basis, or close his offices associated with the crime on a temporary or permanent basis, liquidate his business or appoint a judicial guard to manage funds and transactions. In all cases, the judgement issued against him shall provide for publishing a summary thereof at the cost of the sentenced legal person in a local newspaper issued at his residency area. If no newspaper exits in residency area, it will be published at the region closest to him, or the summary may be published in any appropriate means.
Article 50
1) Whoever commits any act stipulated in this law resulting in the death of one or more persons shall be sentenced to death.
2) The imprisonment penalty term for whoever commits any of the crimes stated in this Law shall not be less than half of the greater term specified if its execution is associated with any of the following:
a) Use or threaten to use any weapons or explosives,
b) If the crime is committed through any club or NPO,
c) If the perpetrator resumes committing the crime,
d) Exploitation of minors and so on in committing the crime.
Article 51
1) Whoever attempt to commit any of the crime set forth in this Law shall be subject to the punishment prescribed for this act.
2) Whoever commits one of the following acts shall deemed as a partner and he shall be punished by the penalty prescribed for the crime:
A) Participated through agreement, instigation or help in committing any of the deeds stated in this Law,
B) Deliberately concealed or destroyed things used or prepared to be used in committing any of the acts stated in this Law or obtained thereof or documents that could have disclosed the crime and its evidence or the punishment of the person who had committed the crime.
C) Enabled a detainee, prisoner or a person wanted in a terrorist crime to run away.
Article 52
None of the punishments prescribed under this Law shall prejudice a more severe punishment based on the provisions of Islamic Sharia Law or other laws.
Article 53
1. A Saudi citizen, convicted for imprisonment in cases related to the crimes stated in this Law, shall be banned from travel outside the Kingdom-on completion of his prison term- for a period similar to the punishment term of which he had been convicted.
2. A non-Saudi person, convicted of a prison term in cases related to the crimes stated in this Law, shall be repatriated from the Kingdom upon the completion of his punishment, and he shall not be permitted to return to the Kingdom.
Article 54
Whoever has been aware of an attempt for the execution of a terrorist crime or its financing and has not reported it to the competent authority, with his ability to report, shall be sentenced to no more than a five- year prison term.
Article 55
Whoever covers any of the crimes stipulated in this Law or one of its perpetrators shall be sentenced to no more than five-year prison term.
Article 56
The competent court may reduce the punishments prescribed under this Law, provided that imprisonment punishment shall not be less than the half of the minimum sentence prescribed, and the fine punishment shall not be less than half of the limit prescribed, if the perpetrator informs competent authorities, of information that could not have been reached at in other ways. This is to help in:
a) Prevent the commitment of any crime stipulated in this law.
b) Identify others accomplices of the crime or their legal persecution.
c) Obtain evidence.
d) Avoid the effects of the crime or reducing them.
e) Deprive terrorist entities or terrorists form having access to funds or prevent their control over them.
Article 57
The competent court may suspend the sentence of imprisonment for reasonable reasons which leads to the belief that the sentenced person will not return to commit any of the crimes stipulated in the law, provided that:
1- No previous judgment on one of the crimes stipulated in the Law.
2- To show regret for his crime.
If the convict returns to commit any of the offenses set out in the provisions of the Law, the suspension of execution shall be suspended without prejudice to the penalty prescribed for the new offense.