Penalties Re. the violation of the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Negotiable Instruments
No: 381000063640 Date(g): 12/3/2017 | Date(h): 14/6/1438 Translated Document
Referring to the letter from the Assistant Director of Public Security for Security Affairs No. 3/3472/3 dated 10/5/1438H, which references the recommendations in the report of the committee formed by Public Security and SAMA regarding addressing violations related to the transportation of cash, precious metals, and valuable documents. The report also outlines a mechanism for handling violations by banks against cash transportation companies by reporting such violations to the operations rooms to enable field enforcement units to address them.
Accordingly, please inform the Operations Rooms of the Security Patrols about any violations committed by cash transportation companies or institutions within the bank. Upon the patrol's arrival to address the report, an original and two copies of the notification (report) should be handed over, specifying the time of the report and the time the patrol addressed the situation. This will enable the Security Patrols to document the case and initiate legal and regulatory procedures in accordance with the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Valuable Documents, using the attached form.