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  • Governmental Agencies

    • Completion of Joint Signatures Required for Withdrawals from Government Accounts

      Referring to the letter of His Excellency the Minister of Finance No. 8906 dated 3/9/1440 H, referring to the Royal Order No. 47723 dated 24/8/1440 H, stating that government entities that have bank accounts must adhere to joint signatures when withdrawing from them, in accordance with the powers determined by the relevant regulations.

      SAMA emphasizes to all banks operating in the Kingdom that they should not accept withdrawals from government bank accounts except with joint signature from the authorized individuals, in implementation of the aforementioned Royal Order.

    • The Obligation to Obtain SAMA No Objection Before Providing Governmental and Non Governmental Entities with Information and Supervisory and Statistical Data

      In reference to the periodic supervisory statements provided to SAMA by finance companies, which play a crucial role in SAMA's supervisory and regulatory functions to enhance the stability and financial soundness of the finance sector and improve the quality of financial services and products. SAMA is also keen on improving the accuracy of reports and statistical publications by implementing the best measures to verify the accuracy of this data and promoting transparency through its publication across available media.

      Therefore, SAMA emphasizes that finance companies must obtain SAMA's no objection before providing governmental and non-governmental entities with supervisory data that is submitted to SAMA periodically, as well as unpublished statistical data.

    • Instructions on Providing Government and Non-Government Entities with Documents, Information and Data of Customer Bank Accounts

      No: 391000079052 Date(g): 29/3/2018 | Date(h): 12/7/1439Status: In-Force

      Translated Document

      Given that banking confidentiality is a fundamental principle in banking operations worldwide, and due to its importance as a cornerstone of the banking sector's reputation and the enhancement of trust among its clients, the regulations in the Kingdom have accorded it the utmost importance. Referring to SAMA’s Circular No. (371000018717) dated 14/2/1437H, which emphasizes the instructions on banking information confidentiality and the prohibition of disclosing customer data without obtaining SAMA's non-objection, and with the aim of clarifying the procedures and mechanisms that banks, financial institutions, and licensed exchange operators in the Kingdom should follow concerning repeated requests and inquiries in this regard.

      You will find the instructions governing the cases in which banks, and licensed money changers are prohibited from directly disclosing customer data and information to entities without obtaining SAMA's non-objection, as well as the cases in which direct disclosure to entities is allowed without referring to SAMA or obtaining prior non-objection.

      For your information, and to inform all relevant departments and branches to act accordingly.

      • First: Cases in which Banks, and Licensed Money Changers are Prohibited from Directly Disclosing to Government and Non-Government Entities

        Several regulations and guidelines have authorized certain entities to request information, documents, or disclosure of customer banking relationships and accounts. However, they require that such requests be submitted through SAMA. These are as follows:

        1- Criminal Cases: Article (58) of the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Criminal Procedure issued by Minister Council Decision No. (142) dated 21/3/1436 H specifies the competent authority for requesting such information. It states: "Seizure of funds and bank balances and inquiries thereon during the investigation stage shall be pursuant to a request submitted to the Saudi Central Bank by the head of the Bureau branch in the province or by an authority having the power to submit such request.

        2- Civil Cases: The specialized judicial authorities are responsible, based on the Enforcement Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/53) dated 13/8/1433H and its Implementing Regulations, and the Law of Civil Procedures issued by Royal Decree No. (M/1) dated 22/1/1435H. These laws grant judicial authorities various powers in this regard through a request directed to SAMA.

        This has been previously confirmed by the written telegram circular issued by His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior, No. (89853) dated 30/6/1436H, which emphasizes that requests for information, documents, disclosure of banking relationships and accounts, or their seizure must be made through SAMA upon request from the Public Prosecution in criminal cases or from judicial authorities in civil cases.

        3- Powers granted to certain other government entities under their regulations: Some other public entities' regulations include exceptional powers to request specific information about certain bank customers and licensed Money Changers in the Kingdom who are relevant to their activities. Requests for such information must follow the same procedures as those for criminal and civil cases, meaning they should be made through SAMA and with its approval based on objective criteria (facts and circumstances) provided.

        Therefore, banks, and licensed Money Changers in the Kingdom, when receiving a direct request from government or non-government entities related to the above-mentioned cases, must respond in writing by declining to fulfill the request. The response should reference the number and date of SAMA's instructions and clarify that such requests should be made through SAMA, either upon request from the Public Prosecution in criminal cases or from the competent judicial authorities in civil cases. For requests from authorized government entities, they should be submitted directly to SAMA (attached is Guideline Template for Responding to entities).

      • Second: Specific Cases and Entities for which Banks, and Licensed Money Changers are Allowed to Directly Disclose Information, Data, Documents, or Banking Relationships and Accounts without Needing to Obtain a Non-objection Letter from SAMA

        Notwithstanding what is mentioned in clause (First) above, and in accordance with the special instructions issued by SAMA to banks, and licensed money changers, and based on the contractual relationships between entities, banks, money changers and their clients, the following cases are exceptions where information, documents, data, and banking relationships and accounts may be disclosed directly without needing SAMA's non-objection. These cases are exhaustive and include:

        1. Requests received directly from the General Directorate of Financial Intelligence at the Presidency of State Security, based on the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Law or the Law on Combatting the Financing of Terrorism, for providing information, data, and documents related to a suspicious transaction report previously sent by the bank, or licensed money changer. The requested data, information, and documents should be limited to what is specified in the report.

        2. Requests received directly from judicial authorities regarding lawsuits in which the bank, or licensed money changer is a party (plaintiff or defendant). The information or documents provided to the judicial authorities should be limited to what is necessary for the case and should not extend to disclosing data or information about other clients (parties) who are not involved in the lawsuit.

        3. Requests received directly from government and non-government entities regarding information, documents, and data related to their own accounts and transactions with the bank, or licensed money changer. The request must be signed by the authorized individuals managing the entity's accounts or by the highest responsible official in the entity, in accordance with the contractual relationship provisions.

        4. Requests received directly from the Public Prosecution and security agencies and their branches for providing video recordings from ATMs located outside branch locations, outside the main office, or regional offices, or from their external facades (for transactions that have not exceeded twelve months from the date of execution).

        5. Requests received directly from the Public Prosecution and security agencies and their branches for providing video recordings from cameras located on the external facades of branch locations, the main office, and regional offices, which capture only the exterior surroundings of the building, for transactions that have not exceeded twelve months from the date of execution.

      • Third: Compliance with the Provisions of These Instructions and Not Exceeding Them

        1. Banks, and licensed money changers must designate a department at their head office to handle the requests mentioned above. They must also have internal audit prepare an annual report detailing the number and types of cases and entities dealt with in accordance with these instructions.
        2. SAMA emphasizes that the disclosure or misuse of customer information—beyond the mechanisms and procedures outlined in these instructions—is considered a criminal act under the Banking Control Law and is subject to legal penalties. Banks, and money changers must continuously ensure that their staff is aware of this and monitor compliance with these instructions.
      • Guideline Template for Appropriate Responses to the Cases in Item First

        Subject: Request for Banking Information


        Dear/Respected Sir/Madam,                                                                                                                       

        The name of the entity to which the response is directed: ____________________

        Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings,

        Subject: Request for Banking Information.

        We refer to your letter No. ..................... dated ..................... (regarding the request for (information/documents ..................... as requested) concernin/.................., ID Number (.....................).

        We would like to inform you that the instructions communicated by the Central Bank under Circular No. (.....................) dated ....................... stipulate that Article (58) of The Implementing Regulations of the Law of Criminal Procedure states that "Seizure of funds and bank balances and inquiries thereon during the investigation stage shall be pursuant to a request submitted to the Saudi Central Bank by the head of the Bureau branch in the province or by an authority having the power to submit such request." Additionally, the provisions of the Enforcement Law and its Implementing Regulations, as well as The Law of Civil Procedure, grant judicial authorities the power to request disclosure of banking relationships and information concerning bank clients and their seizure through the Saudi Central Bank. Furthermore, the telegram from His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior, No. 89853 dated 30/6/1436H, confirmed that requests for information, documents, disclosure of banking relationships and accounts, or their seizure must be made through SAMA upon request from the Public Prosecution in criminal cases or from judicial authorities in civil cases. Requests from other government entities authorized under their regulations for information not related to criminal or civil cases must be made directly from the entity itself to the Central Bank, provided that the request is relevant to the entity's activities and based on objective and substantiated facts and circumstances.

        Therefore, we kindly request your attention to the fact that providing the requested (information/documents) will be in accordance with the aforementioned instructions.

        Please accept my sincere regards


    • Providing SAMA Quarterly Reports on Government Accounts

      SAMA received the Ministry of Finance's letter No. 3720 dated 08/05/1435 H, regarding the request to provide the Ministry with data at quarterly intervals with government account information (only), including accounts opened for special purposes or that originate from donations or grants, such as parallel education accounts in universities and the like.

       We hope to provide SAMA on a quarterly basis, starting from the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year 2014, with information on government accounts according to the form attached to you, provided that it is unified in a period not exceeding one month from the end of each quarter. To obtain an electronic copy of the form, you can contact SAMA.

    • Accepting the Names and Signatures of Authorized Persons to Directly Manage Government Bank Accounts

      This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
    • Providing Facilities for Some Government Entities, With Amounts Surpassing Their Payment Orders Which are Drawn from the Ministry of Finance

      This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
    • Government Accounts Opened in Local Banks

      This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
    • The Agreements Made Between Banks and Government Entities

      According to a letter we received from HE the Minister of Finance & National Economy No. 12/7363, dated 10-7-1418 H, some government agencies are terminating agreements concluded with banks specified by SAMA and, instead, concluding agreements with other banks regarding salary payments to their employees without recourse to Minister of Finance and National Economy.

      Pursuant to the Ministry of Finance & National Economy circular No. 12/1936 dated 16-6-1405 H, a copy of which was communicated to you, re the implementation rules for payment of civil servants through checks drawn on operating Saudi banks, article (2) thereof stated that the bank in which a current A/c is opened for salary payment has to be specified by SAMA at the request of the relevant government agency.

      Hence, we wish to stress on all your employees in charge not to accept any offer, conclude any agreement with any government agency or open any A/c without a prior approval by SAMA after consultation with the Ministry of Finance & National Economy to understand the reasons and justifications for this.

      Please do the necessary and acknowledge receipt.

    • The Revised Edition of the Permanent Instruction Manual for the Uniforms and Equipment of Security Personnel in Government Entities and Private Institutions

      SAMA has received the letter of HRH the Minister of Interior No. 5/535/4 dated 15-5-1416H, attached thereto an amended copy of the instruction booklet regarding clothing and equipping of the security employees of government agencies and departments.

      We attach herewith (   ) copies of the booklet which will go into effect within one year from the date of HRH circular.

      Please be informed and notify all your branches accordingly.

    • Violations Limited to Governmental Entities and Banks

      SAMA received a letter from His Excellency the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 6881/12 dated 12/10/1415H, referring to the Royal Directive No. 1501/3 dated 4/2/1412H, which was based on a letter from His Excellency the Minister of State and Chairman of the Oversight and Investigation Commission No. 13/Kh dated 14/1/1412H. The letter indicated that the commission conducted inspections of several government departments using checks to disburse employee salaries through commercial banks and their branches. These inspections resulted in several observations that the Royal Directive ordered to be studied by specialists in the relevant ministries.

      The committee formed for this purpose concluded in its final report, which was submitted regarding these observations, that the violations identified are confined between the government entity and the client bank. Accordingly, His Excellency the Minister of Finance and National Economy, in his aforementioned letter, requested that the following be communicated to banks:

      1. Cashiers and disbursement officers in government departments have been depositing public funds into their personal accounts in commercial banks. Client banks must not accept deposits of any checks related to public funds into personal accounts.
      2. Some departments have been using salary current accounts for other purposes. Commercial banks must not accept any deposits into these accounts that are unrelated to salaries.
      3. Some government entities have opened current accounts in commercial banks without consulting the Ministry of Finance and National Economy and SAMA, as required by current regulations. Commercial banks must not open any accounts for government entities without authorization from SAMA.
      4. Some government entities have issued salary checks with a single signature or based on stamps instead of handwritten signatures. Commercial banks must not accept any check that carries only a stamp or a single signature.
      5. Certain government entities have been printing salary checks on their own, in violation of instructions requiring such entities to obtain checkbooks in the necessary quantity from the bank, based on an official letter issued by the authorized person. Client banks must not accept any check not issued directly by the bank itself.

      We request strict adherence to the above guidelines, avoiding any violations, and that all branches be informed to comply accordingly.






    • Instructions About the Opening by Some Government Agencies of Accounts with Local Banks

      Re letter of HE the Minister of Finance & National Economy No. 19/21, dated 1/2/1411 H, regarding instructions about the opening by some government agencies of accounts with local banks for various purposes, such as the various disbursement committees, subsidies, lending and operating funds, revenues and the like, which were approved by Ministerial decision No. 19/208, dated 1/2/1411 H, and included the following instructions:

      1. The government agency must submit an account opening application to the Minister of Finance and National Economy (Directorate General of Accounts). After studying the application, the Ministry shall notify SAMA of opening the account with one of the local banks. The government agency will then provide the bank with the names and signature samples of the authorized signatories.
      2. The name of the beneficiary shall be in the payment order pertaining to deposit in this account (To the order of A/c No…..).
      3. The A/c at the bank shall be in the name of the government department or authority and not in the name of a physical person. The purpose must be specified for identification from other accounts.
      4. Check books shall be requested by an official letter signed by those authorized to withdraw.
      5. The authorization of deposit and withdrawal must be issued by the officer in charge. Authorized signatories cannot delegate their power to others unless they are so authorized by the officer in charge.
      6. Withdrawal from the A/c shall be by checks signed jointly by the authorized signatories.
      7. The following banking rules regarding checks must be observed.

         (a)The name of the beneficiary must be identical to his name in his identity card.
         (b)Check must be presented for cashing within 6 months
         (c)The amount must be identical in letters and figures.
         (d)Erasing, scratching or using chemical material on the check is not allowed.
         (e)If the check is amended, the amended part shall be removed and the correct replacement must be signed by the authorized signatories.
    • All Government Agencies and Domestic Coordinating with the Concerned Department in Um Al-Qura Calendar

      SAMA has received the letter of HE the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 844/404 dated 26-2-1404 H. referring to Royal Order No. 1546 dated 24-2-1404 H, which instructed all government agencies and domestic establishments which were issuing calendars at the start of each year to stop doing so starting next Hejira year without coordinating with the concerned department in Um Al-Qura so that their calendars will be consistent with the official calendar.

      Please comply with this Royal Order and acknowledge receipt.

    • Use Arabic in Correspondence with Government Authorities

      ‎Reference our circular No. BC/200 dated 5-4-1398 H, referring to the Council of Ministers Decision No. 266 dated 21-2-1398 H, which instructed all foreign companies and institutions, and their branches and offices, working in the Kingdom to use Arabic in their correspondence with Government authorities.

      ‎SAMA has received the circular of HE the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 3282/400 dated 28-6-1400 H, referring to the Order of HRH the Vice President of the Council of Ministers No. 3/H/15351 dated 20-6-1400 H whereby HRH noted that foreign languages are still used in drafting contracts and their attachments and in correspondence between government agencies, institutions and State-owned companies and foreign companies and establishments, despite the two decisions taken by the Council of Ministers instructing foreign companies and establishments, and their branches operating in the Kingdom, to use the Arabic language.

      ‎SAMA calls on you to use Arabic in correspondence with government authorities and to instruct your branches in the Kingdom to act accordingly.

    • Automization of the Requests of the Ministry of Finance Regrading Government Agencies’ Accounts Held with Commercial Banks Operating in Saudi Arabia Through the E-Portal “Hisab”

      No: 42076931 Date(g): 13/6/2021 | Date(h): 4/11/1442

      Translated Document

      Referring to the role of SAMA in supervising and regulating financial institutions under its oversight, based on the powers granted to it by the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/5) dated 22/02/1386H, and the Rules for Bank Accounts communicated in Circular No. 65681/67 dated 01/11/1440H, and SAMA's initiative to facilitate the processing of requests from the Ministry of Finance related to (opening, activating, closing, modifying the name of) accounts for government entities at commercial banks operating in the Kingdom in a technical manner to enhance the quality of related procedures, speed up their execution, and ease access to the data associated with these requests through the electronic portal "Hisab."

      Based on the previous arrangements that the Bank's commissioners have been informed of and provided with the data regarding the use of the electronic portal, we inform you that requests from the Ministry of Finance related to accounts for government entities at all commercial banks under the supervision of SAMA will be processed through the electronic portal "Hisab" according to the attached guide and the powers granted to your designated representatives to handle these requests, starting from Tuesday, 15/06/2021G.

      SAMA also emphasizes the importance of directing your specialists to activate their accounts and ensure that all related procedures are completed promptly. They should adhere to and comply with the instructions governing the electronic portal "Hisab" and make the necessary effort and care to process all requests received through the program immediately and as required. It is noted that the responsibility for monitoring the processing of these requests rests with the bank. If there are any inquiries in this regard, please contact via email (GovAccountsInBanks@SAMA.GOV.SA).